How my spiritual gifts unfolded ...

From a young age, I’ve been deeply connected to the spiritual realm. As a child, I would hear voices—gentle whispers from beyond the physical world—but I was afraid of them. There was always a sense of something watching over me, a presence calling me, but I turned away out of fear. For years, I suppressed this part of myself. During my teens, my gifts went quiet, lying dormant until my late 20s when they resurfaced stronger than ever, and I could no longer run from my spiritual calling.

Since then, my psychic abilities have unfolded rapidly. I can connect with energies and spirits, receiving messages through visions, inner knowing, and feelings. Picking up my first tarot deck felt like returning home—I instantly knew how to interpret the cards as if I’d been doing it for lifetimes. My intuitive abilities guide me not only in tarot but in energy work and spiritual guidance as well.

With love & light always,
Marlen M.

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